Occupational therapy is an efficient treatment that works to improve fine and gross motors skills, motor planning, hand writing, co-ordination, sensory integration, selfcare skills and behavioural regulation.
The occupational therapist assesses a child condition and then creates a customised program for the child, the earlier a child starts occupational therapy more effective the results, resulting in a healthy and sustainable future. Empowering the child to do basic tasks, self-regulate and improve social participation culminates in wholesome development.

Our Programs
This program is customised to help children develop fine motor skills, visual motor skills, problem solving, memory, attention, sensory integration and social interaction. The OT will utilise standardised tests to assess the baseline level of the child and continuously monitor the progress.
The Occupational therapist will address the child’s fine motor strength, co-ordination, visual motor skills, visual perception, Spatial orientation and Bi-manual integration.
She will utilise program based on Handwriting Without Tears ™
Our highly qualified Sensory integration specialist will utilise her expertise to help children use all their senses in a systematic manner resulting in better behaviour, emotional regulation, play skills and social participation. We have a highly equipped sensory gym with various modalities like :-The lycra swing, Platform swing, Bolster, Hammock, Coccoon swing etc.
This module is specifically designed to improve the behavioural, social, communication and selfcare skills of neuro diverse children.
Attention building, improving executive functions and social participation activities are also done.
This program will include a group of children to develop social participation, turn taking, joint attention, following instructions and activities involving gross and fine motor skills.